What everyone should know about tooth cracks?

Teeth are strong and long-lasting. It is comprised of hard tissues like enamel, dentin, and cementum, as well as soft tissue known as dental pulp. However, a fall, an impact, a blow to the face, or other sorts of stress or trauma can still cause them to be cracked or fractured. You will have a higher chance of developing cracked teeth if you have dental problems such as past injuries, untreated severe decay, or metal fillings that are structurally weak.

Someone who suspects they might have a cracked tooth should schedule a dentist appointment as soon as possible. Untreated dental issues can eventually worsen over time, causing greater pain and discomfort.

What is a tooth crack?

A cracked tooth can happen as a result of grinding your teeth at night, chewing on hard foods, or even aging. It is also known as cracked tooth syndrome (CTS). Sometimes the crack will be minor and harmless. Sometimes it can cause your teeth to fracture or break.

These fractures are most common in youngsters, and older people tend to suffer from tooth fractures more frequently.

What are the symptoms?

There may be no symptoms at all when a tooth is cracked. Without even being aware of it, many people have cracked teeth.

Some minor tooth cracks can be harmless, and they do not require any treatment.

However, if someone experiences any of the following signs, they may have a more serious crack that needs dental treatment:

  • Pain and discomfort when chewing or biting, particularly when releasing the bite.
  • Tooth sensitivity to foods that are either hot or cold.
  • Tooth sensitivity to sugar and sweets.
  • A fluctuating pain, especially when chewing.
  • Hard to pinpoint the exact soreness near the teeth and gums.
  • Gums that are swollen around a cracked tooth.

What could lead to tooth cracking?

Several factors can cause teeth to crack, including

  • Extreme tooth grinding, which can put a significant amount of pressure on the teeth.
  • Age, with persons over 50 years having the most tooth cracks.
  • A huge existing filling could damage the tooth’s remaining structure.
  • Injury to the chin or jaw from falls, sports involving contact, road accidents, etc.
  • Eating or biting on hard food items like hard candy, ice, nuts, etc.

Types of cracked teeth

Cracks can differ in size, depth, and location on the tooth.

A tooth can crack or fracture in a variety of ways. It is fractured if it has been broken or split into several pieces, while a cracked tooth has lines running along its surface but is still intact.

The following are other types of tooth cracks:

1) Craze lines

Craze lines, sometimes called minor cracks, which are the tiniest cracks, form in the enamel of teeth. This is unlikely to be noticed by a person, and treatment is not required unless it results in symptoms.

2) Split tooth

This indicates that the tooth has split into two separate pieces vertically.

Most likely, a dentist will only be able to save one portion, which is typically repaired with a crown. Additionally, a person may require root canal therapy.

3) Cracked tooth

Most teeth with vertical cracks that continue through them but have not yet reached the gum line can be saved. However, that tooth could need to be extracted if the crack penetrates the gum line. The best chance for a tooth to be saved is prompt treatment.

4) Vertical root fracture

Cracks begin below your gum line and move toward the biting surface of the tooth. Vertical root fractures may not always show any symptoms unless your tooth is infected. It’s likely that the tooth will need to be removed.

5) Fractured Cusp

These cracks involve full or incomplete fractures that occur in the biting surface of the tooth’s crown. The tremendous of pressure is applied to opposing teeth when the jaws are closed which usually results in a tooth’s chewing surface chipping off (also known as occlusal surface). Typically, they don’t harm the pulp, and they probably won’t hurt all that much.

A restoration procedure will be initiated to restore the tooth to its full functionality and appearance.

Root canal therapy is necessary to repair the damage if the pulp is exposed.

How are cracked teeth fixed?

Cracked tooth treatments include

  1. Composite bonding can be used to fix teeth that are broken, decaying, discolored, crooked, or have gaps between them.
  2. Veneers serve as a tooth’s covering. Most Dentists use porcelain veneers because they produce the most visually appealing and realistic outcomes.
  3. One of the most popular restorative procedures is the use of crowns. If your tooth is severely chipped or you experience pain when chewing or drinking, you might need a crown.
  4. A root canal can be used to treat a tooth if a break has reached the pulp area of the tooth. A crown can be placed to prevent the crack from spreading after the root canal treatment.

Your tooth can no longer be treated and cannot be saved if it has a crack that extends below the gum line. You will require a tooth extraction, which involves getting your tooth pulled. After that, you can replace your natural tooth with a dental implant.

Will I need to have the treatment?

To increase the effectiveness of the treatment, it is essential to seek advice as soon as possible. Cracked teeth may cause the nerve to die and develop an abscess if they are not treated. It can require extraction or even a root canal. It may actually split in two in extreme circumstances. Your dentist won’t be able to save the tooth if this happens, and it will have to be extracted.

Can I stop my tooth from cracking?

Not entirely, but you can take certain safety precautions:

  • Avoid biting or chewing on anything hard.
  • Have a night guard if you clench or grind your teeth at night to protect your teeth. If you participate in sports, put on a customized mouthguard.

Bottom line

A tooth might break due to accidents and many other reasons. It can damage your appearance and make you feel embarrassed if it is visible. You may have discomfort, sensitivity, swelling, or infection symptoms, but you might also experience a tooth crack without any signs or symptoms. Consult your dentist right away if you have a fractured or cracked tooth.

You can prevent a damaged tooth from compromising the quality of your smile with our dental clinic. Make an appointment with us, and we will make sure you receive the most effective care possible.