Why does your tooth hurt while exercising?

When you exercise, do your teeth hurt? Although many runners and athletes suffer from this condition, there are things you can do to prevent it from preventing you from reaching your running objectives.

Whether you like it or not, exercise is necessary to maintain the health and function of your body. Exercise has many significant advantages, such as reducing stress and helping you gain muscle, but it also has some severe drawbacks.

Joint injury or just the agonizing idea of pushing oneself to go to the gym may spring to mind when considering the drawbacks of exercise. However, did you know that exercise might affect the condition of your teeth? You need to know the following things about how exercise impacts your dental health.

Reasons for Teeth Ache

1) Cold Intolerance

Some people have teeth that respond to ambient temperature as well as hot and cold conditions! Your teeth may be hurting while you run or stroll because of the cold air.

Breathe in through your nose and exhale through your mouth when you’re outside. Your cheeks, tongue, and lips will protect your teeth. If you discover that this is effective, you might wish to discuss ways to lessen the sensitivity with your dentist.

2) Bruxism

Many individuals grind or grit their teeth unconsciously when they’re under stress or working hard, which is known as bruxism. When you run up a hill, do you grit your teeth or clench them? What happens if you’re running that half marathon and you’re sprinting to the finish line?

If so, the likelihood is that bruxism is to blame for the discomfort in your teeth. If your teeth are clenched together while you run, the vibrations from each stride will also be felt by them.

Do This: Focus on maintaining your muscles flexible, your jaw relaxed, and your teeth spaced apart. This may lessen the impact that each step puts on your teeth.

3) Sinus Issues

Sometimes the pain in your teeth isn’t even all that related to them. Occasionally, a toothache might be brought on by a sinus infection or another problem. Your sinuses, which are located just behind your cheekbones, brows, and jaw, might hurt if a problem develops. Your teeth could cease aching when you run or walk if you can manage sinus irritation or infections.

Methods to Reduce Teeth Pain

Your dental health doesn’t have to suffer from exercise.

Despite the negative effects on oral health, maintaining a healthy weight need not harm your teeth. These are some suggestions you may use to safeguard your teeth when engaging in a frequent workout.

1) Supplemental Hydration

When you exercise hard, you need to replenish your electrolytes. However, there are other methods of rehydrating than guzzling down sports drinks that erode your teeth. In actuality, the majority of commercial energy and sports beverages have several substances that are unnecessary for refueling your body. Here are some superior, all-natural beverage choices:

  • Water – Tap water or even bottled water is an excellent beverage to keep you hydrated when exercising. To acquire extra minerals, add taste, and restore electrolytes, you may add a splash of lemon or a sprinkle of unrefined salt to make it more healthier.
  • Coconut Water – Unadulterated natural coconut water is a really healthy option. It is not only incredibly hydrating but also anti-inflammatory and aids in maintaining healthy levels of glucose and insulin.

2) Blowing Nose

Nasal breathing can protect your teeth and has more physiological benefits than mouth breathing, which can dry up your mouth and raise your risk of dental caries. When you breathe through your nose, for instance, your sinus membranes and nose create nitric oxide, which dramatically boosts your lungs’ capacity to absorb oxygen and aids in lowering blood pressure.

3) Method of Buteyko Breathing

This breathing technique was created by a Russian doctor to assist patients to breathe more effectively, and it bears his name. You can teach yourself to breathe through your nose while exercising with some practice and instruction. Learn more about Buteyko’s breathing technique.

4) Dental hygiene routines

Maintaining a good dental routine will help you maintain good oral health. Some actions you should take are as follows:

  • Brushing teeth twice a day
  • Regularly flossing and rinsing
  • Maintaining a schedule for routine dental cleanings and exams

You may minimize risk factors and maintain motivation to maintain the health and happiness of your entire body if you are aware of how exercise affects dental health.

Bottom  line

It’s always a good idea to visit your dentist if your teeth ache when you exercise to make sure there isn’t an underlying issue that is causing the increased sensitivity. Your dentist will be able to rule out any possible causes of increased sensitivity and, if necessary, give treatment to address the issue.

Cavities or tooth decay, gum disease, and other conditions can all lead to increased sensitivity. Running is a demanding sport, therefore it’s critical to maintain a healthy body, including your teeth and gums, to achieve all of your objectives as quickly and as thoroughly as possible.