Sometimes our newly grown teeth may not grow perfectly straight; they may be crooked or even tilted, and that is where dental experts called orthodontists step in. Orthodontists use techniques like braces or retainers to move your teeth into the correct positions.

There’s a slight chance your teeth could try to move back to their old spots after the teeth straightening treatment is completed.

That’s where the retainers come to the rescue. Orthodontists prescribe 4 different types of retainers: Bonded Retainers, Clear retainers, Vivera retainers, and Hawley Retainers.

In this blog post, we have discussed about Hawley retainers. Keep reading to learn more about this orthodontic appliance.

What is Hawley Retainer?

Hawley retainer is the most commonly used retainer to keep the straightened teeth in their correct places. The Hawley retainer is like a trusted supporter of your orthodontic treatment.

The appliance gets its name from the person who invented it. Dr. Charles A. Hawley was an American orthodontist. He developed this type of retainer in the early 20th century. Dr. Hawley designed the retainer as a simple and effective way to maintain the results of orthodontic treatment and keep the teeth in their corrected positions.

Even in Hawley retainers, there are different types, such as

  • Hawley Retainer with “C” Clasps
  • Hawley Retainer with Flat Wire & Clasps
  • Rickets Hawley Retainer

Moreover, Hawley retainers have come in various colors and fun designs like watermelon, tie-dye, or stars-and-stripes. The colorful part is made of hard plastic or acrylic that fits on the roof of your mouth, connected to metal wires holding it in place. You can customize the retainer with almost any color, making it uniquely yours!

Since the retainer sits behind your teeth, it remains hidden, allowing you to choose bright and fun colors without worrying about visibility. Avoid light colors like white or gray, and opt for vibrant jewel tones like red and blue to keep it looking great.

What are the advantages of the Hawley appliance?

Over the years, the Hawley retainer has become one of the most widely used and well-known types of retainers in orthodontics due to the benefits they offer:

  • Effective Teeth Alignment Maintenance – By wearing a Hawley retainer prescribed by a dental professional, individuals can ensure that their teeth stay in their desired positions, preventing a potential relapse.
  • Customizable and Comfortable Fit – The retainer appliance is custom-made to fit each individual’s mouth. This personalized fit enhances comfort and makes it easier to wear the retainer for the recommended duration. The comfortable fit encourages consistent usage, leading to better results in maintaining teeth alignment.
  • Durability and Longevity – Hawley teeth retainers are made from high-quality materials, such as acrylic and stainless steel, so that they can withstand regular use over an extended period. This longevity ensures that individuals can rely on this retainer appliance considerably, reducing the need for frequent replacements.
  • Easy Removal and Cleaning – Hawley retainers are removable, allowing individuals to take them out when eating, brushing, or flossing. This feature makes it convenient to maintain oral hygiene and prevents food particles from getting trapped, reducing the risk of dental issues.
  • Available at reasonable prices – Hawley retainer offers the best cost-effective support after orthodontic treatment. Compared to other retainers, the Hawley appliance provides long-term benefits at a relatively affordable price point.

On the other hand, the retainer has some potential demerits. The important one is the visibility of wires and plastic on the teeth and possible speech impediments during the initial usage.

What should you do when your Hawley retainer is damaged?

Accidental breakage or loss of Hawley retainers can happen to anyone, so it’s essential to know what to do if you encounter these common issues.

If your Hawley retainer accidentally breaks, don’t panic. Contact your orthodontist immediately to schedule an appointment for repair or replacement. Avoid fixing the retainer yourself, as it may cause further damage and jeopardize its effectiveness.

Continuing to wear a broken retainer or delaying replacement may cause your teeth to return to their original positions.

How to Properly Care for a Hawley Retainer?

Taking care of your Hawley retainer is a breeze and will prolong its lifespan. Stick to the following guidelines to ensure your retainer stays in excellent condition:

  • Clean your retainer regularly – Daily, rinse and brush your retainer using a soft-bristled toothbrush and toothpaste. This routine will prevent plaque and bacteria buildup. Additionally, soak your retainer in a retainer cleaner once a week for extra freshness and hygiene.
  • Avoid exposing your retainer to high temperatures – Ensure your Hawley retainer stays safe from heat, as it can cause melting or warping. Always store it in a cool or room-temperature environment to maintain its shape and effectiveness.
  • Safely store your Hawley retainer when not in use – When your retainer appliance is not in use, keep it protected in its dedicated case. It helps in preventing misplacement or accidental disposal.

How long should you wear the Hawley appliance?

The duration of wearing a Hawley retainer will depend on your dental doctor’s recommendations.

Usually, you’ll need to wear it for around 22+ hours a day for 3 to 6 months. After that, your orthodontist may advise you to wear it only while sleeping once they are confident that your teeth are stable.

How to wear a Hawley Retainer?

1) Identify Your Hawley Retainer – The Hawley retainer is a dental appliance made of metal and plastic. It has metal wires that go over your front teeth and additional wires at the back to fit over your rear teeth.

2) Hold the Retainer Correctly – Check if the retainer is for your upper or lower teeth because you can’t wear a Hawley retainer in your more lacking teeth if that’s made for your upper teeth. Make sure the plastic arches face down for the lower teeth and up for the upper teeth, matching the line of your teeth. The metal bar should mainly point toward your mouth.

3) Gently Insert the Retainer – Place the retainer in your mouth and bite down softly. Hold it there for a few seconds to ensure it fits properly. Be gentle, as too much force can harm your gum line. You can use a mirror to check your posture and ensure it’s in the right place anytime.

4) Check the Position – Verify that the plastic arches fit comfortably in the roof or bottom of your mouth, the front wire sits across your front teeth, and the rear wires secure around your back teeth. If it doesn’t fit well, don’t worry! Contact your orthodontist for adjustments, and they will help you.

5) Secure the Retainer – Use your fingertips to press the retainer into position gently. Avoid biting it to prevent breakage. Once it’s correctly in place, you may feel a slight click. If it keeps slipping out or doesn’t stay put, visit your dentist.

Bottom line

In short, Hawley Retainer is a unique, removable device made of plastic and metal wires that fit perfectly in your mouth. Its superpower is keeping your teeth in their newly straightened positions, preventing unwanted shifting after the braces are removed. So, all the hard work your orthodontist did to give you that excellent smile stays intact!

It’s comfortable to wear the Hawley appliance while not very noticeable, so you can still rock that confident smile while it does its job!

We hope this information helps you choose the best retainer for your post-orthodontic needs.